We are a K-5 school with approximately 274 students.  We have an amazing loving staff who are passionate about learning and building community in their classrooms and in our school.

To our new students, welcome!  We are looking forward to getting to know you and your family.  To our returning students, we all hope that you had an amazing break and are looking forward to seeing you and hearing all of your stories! You may see us outside at the front of the building greeting parents, please do not hesitate to stop and have a conversation or ask any questions you may be wondering. McCammon is truly a terrific place to learn!

Mr. Sharman     and     Ms. Van Ry
   Principal                      Vice Principal





Strong Start

Our StrongStart Site is OPEN for our Early Learners Ages 0-5

Please go to https://learningservices.sd33.bc.ca/strongstart or our StrongStart page, for more detailed information on how to register and sign up for sessions.

Orange Shirt Day - Assembly & School Wide Walk
Cross Country Race #1 Grade 3 - 5
Pro D Day - School Closed
School Closed - Truth & Reconciliation Day
Cross Country Race #2- Grade 3, 4 & 5
Terry Fox Assembly & School Wide Run